Koonsian Chandelier

Koonsian Chandelier

This chandelier reminded me immediately about some of Jeff Koons’ art. It’s hanging in the lobby of Prague’s Tančící Dům (Dancing House) on Rašínovo nábřeži (Rašín’s Riverbank)


The lobby of Tančící Dům, Prague



Tančící Dům (Dancing House), Prague.

12 thoughts on “Koonsian Chandelier

  1. Woooooooooooow!!! That first picture makes me think of an alien egg pod, so cool. The last picture of that building blows my mind! I am seriously jealous that I don’t live in a city with a building like that. I wonder if there’s a way to take the shot without getting the traffic light in there, without getting hit by a car, of course! Still a great picture. :)


    • Ha ha, thank you! Actually it would have to be heavily photoshopped to get rid of all the urban/traffic clutter that’s in the way as this building sits on a very busy central intersection. I am glad you like my post! :-)


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